Campus fever

A month ago, at the beginning of October, I had a case of campus fever.  That feeling you have when you really need to change the scenery lest you get a case of severe ennui and then become very irritable and restless.  So I went to my cousin’s house.  I watched a soccer game, with hard-core fans, and then a band competition.  With the same hard-core fans.  I ate home-cooked food, worked on my thesis, reviewed flashcards, and practiced my violin.  I got barked at by dogs.  It was a nice weekend.

These are my cousins, so the next time someone asks about them, I'll tell them to read my blog and look at the pics. L-R: Callie, me, Logan.
These are my cousins, so the next time someone asks about them, I’ll tell them to read my blog and look at the pics. L-R: Callie, me, Logan.
Cousin Becky and Cousin Rick.
Cousin Becky and Cousin Rick. My hosts. Hard-core soccer and band fans.
My cousin Becky made this for me! It was really good. It's nice when someone makes food only for you. It's kind of more special.
My cousin Becky made this for me! It was really good. It’s nice when someone makes food only for you. It’s kind of more special.

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